
2024/09/18 (Wed)


2011/04/24 (Sun)
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 Today the scale of Western European pet-keeping is undoubtedly unique in human history. It reflects the tendency of modern men and women to withdraw into their own small family unit for their greatest emotional satisfactioms. The fact that so many people feel it necessary to maintain a pet for the sake of emotional completeness tell us something about the present-day society in which we life.



2011/04/15 (Fri)
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 Foreign language instruction should come early in the educational process, basically at the elementary level. This is because it can serve as a fundamental shaper of the child's perception of the world. It can help him accept the fact that there is much in the world that differs greatly from what he sees around him and to which he must learn to adapt himself.


2011/03/31 (Thu)
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 The process of learning has gone on since man first existed and his ideas about it have been expressed in proverbial form... "You must learn to walk before you can run" recognizes that there are stages in learning which must be taken in the right order if success is to be achieved


2011/03/27 (Sun)
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 Most of our knowledge, aquired from parents, friends, schools, newspapers, books, conversation, speeches, and radios, is received verbally. All our knowledge of history, for example, comes to us only in words. The only proof we have that the Battle of Waterloo ever took place is that we have had reports to that effect.


2011/03/23 (Wed)
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昨日更新できなかった理由: 記事が消えてうああああああああああああああああ

 A puppy raised apart from other dogs will know how to bark when he gets old enough, but the few children we know of who grew up without human contact grew up almost mute. Babies in understaffed foundling hospitals, who see little of older people, are said, except for crying, to be almost silent.


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