
2024/09/19 (Thu)


2011/02/24 (Thu)
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 In the world of nature there are always compensations. As a country lad, I became familiar at an early age with the farming maxim that "there is never a year when every crop succeeds, nor when every crop fails." In recent years a farming elite and its advisers have started to assume otherwise. They have been convincing themselves that if they prepare their plans according to the latest scientific knowledge and put them efficiently into practice, success is assured.


lad: 少年
maxim: 格言

2011/02/23 (Wed)
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 The crucial issue is whether the essence of life resides in the heart or in the brain. Because the body rarely shuts down all its systems at once, and because hospitals have access to the most modern life-preserving machinery, it is entirely possible that the brain, deprived of an adequate supply of oxygen, could die while the patient, often with the help of hospital equipment, remains alive.


2011/02/23 (Wed)
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 The assertion that mathematics has been a major force in the molding of modern culture, as well as vital element of that culrue, appear to many people incredible, or at best, an axtreme exaggeration. This disbelief is quite understandable and results from a very common but mistaken conception of what mathematics really is.


assertion: 主張・断言
molding: 形成
exaggeration: 誇張

2011/02/22 (Tue)
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 Although the city dweller's dealing with people whom he doesn't know very well gives him, on the one hand, a certain degree of freedom that he would not have if he were daling with family and friends in a small town, he loses, on the other hand, the sense of security that comes from living in a close-knit community.


2011/02/21 (Mon)
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 It is not uncommon for strained relationships to develop between an adolescent and his parents. In his great eagerness to achieve adult status, the young person may resent any restrictions placed upon him. Oftentimes he is not willing to admit, even to himself, that he has doubts and fears about taking on adult responsibilities and freedom. The adolescent may say that his parents are over-anxious and over-protective whereas, though not aware of it, he is projecting his own anxiety into them.


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