Today, we do not expect our children to work, either at home or in a factory. They contribute nothing to the economic well-being of the family. They are freer than they have ever been before simply to be children. We see them as the centre of the family, around which the rest of life revolves; we protect them from responsibilities which were forced on earlier generations.
Today, we do not expect our children to work, either at home or in a factory. They contribute nothing to the economic well-being of the family. They are freer than they have ever been before simply to be children. We see them as the centre of the family, around which the rest of life revolves; we protect them from responsibilities which were forced on earlier generations.
In the world of nature there are always compensations. As a country lad, I became familiar at an early age with the farming maxim that "there is never a year when every crop succeeds, nor when every crop fails." In recent years a farming elite and its advisers have started to assume otherwise. They have been convincing themselves that if they prepare their plans according to the latest scientific knowledge and put them efficiently into practice, success is assured.
私の解答: 自然界には常に競争がある。片田舎の少年時代、私は早くから「毎年どの穀物も全て成功することはないし、また全て失敗することもない」という農家の格言を知っていた。近年、エリート農民やその相談員はそれに当てはまらない考え方をし始めている。最先端の科学の知識によって準備し、それを効率よく実行に移したら、成功は間違いないと信じ込もうとしている。