
2025/03/09 (Sun)


2011/07/07 (Thu)
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 The road user carries much of the responsibility for traffic accidents: the vehcle driver for the safety of others as well as himself, the pedestrian mainly for his own safety, while the passenger carries relatively little responsibility.



2011/06/05 (Sun)
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 Such vegetative reproduction he viewed as a step towards the rearing of plants following seeding, and it was at this intermediate stage in south-east Asia that plants such as taro, yam, banana, breadfurit, and sugarcane evolved.


2011/05/22 (Sun)
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 Histrorians have described how life periods became demarcated in Western societies over the past centuries. Only with industrialization and the appearance of a middle class and formally organized schools did childhood become a clearly difinable period of time.

demarcate: to mark by bounds; to draw the line



2011/05/12 (Thu)
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 In my experience the problem of what to do in life was not made any easier by those who were in charge of education. Looking back, it seems most odd that never once in all the years that I was at school was there any general discussion about careers.


2011/05/06 (Fri)
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 Thus I learned from life itself. At the beginning I was only a little mass of possibilities. It was my teacher who unfolded and developed them. When she came, everything about me breathed of love and joy and was full of meaning. She has never since let pass an opportunity to point out the beauty that is in everything, nor has she ceased trying in thought and action and example to make my life sweet and useful


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