Rightly or wrongly, science is often thought to be the ultimate form of objective and rational inquiry, and scientists are widely regarded as being able to gather and interpret evidence and use it to arrive at conclusions that are "scientifically proven," and so not just the product of ideology or prejudice.
Rightly or wrongly, science is often thought to be the ultimate form of objective and rational inquiry, and scientists are widely regarded as being able to gather and interpret evidence and use it to arrive at conclusions that are "scientifically proven," and so not just the product of ideology or prejudice.
[ 解答・解説 ]
For example, I can pick up the phone and speak to a relative on the other side of the globe, and I can see that it is indeed a globe that I inhabit by looking at a photograph taken from space; many people's everyday lives are enhanced by, and unimaginable without, computers, televisions, and other electronic appliances; medicine can treat forms of illness and injury that would have brought certain death for earlier generations.
enhance: 高める・強める
For example, I can pick up the phone and speak to a relative on the other side of the globe, and I can see that it is indeed a globe that I inhabit by looking at a photograph taken from space; many people's everyday lives are enhanced by, and unimaginable without, computers, televisions, and other electronic appliances; medicine can treat forms of illness and injury that would have brought certain death for earlier generations.
enhance: 高める・強める
[ 解答・解説 ]